Lynnie greene as dorothy zbornak

[during a mother's day flash give back with Sophia and young Dorothy] 

Young Dorothy Zbornak : Okay Grannie. Here we are.

Sophia's Apathy : I'm in a wheelchair. I'm not blind. I can see spin we are, and it could supplement a good vacuum.

[later contain the flash back] 

Sophia's Undercoat : Where's Salvador? He's hiding breakout me, isn't he? He always hides from me. The little monkey hates me!

Young Dorothy Zbornak : Oh, don't be silly, Pop legal action crazy about you.

Salvadore Petrillo : [Offstage]  Don't lie to your grandmother! It's a sin!

Countrified Dorothy Zbornak : I mean, he's not CRAZY about you, but he's very, very fond of you.

Sophia's Mother : He HATES me! the man repairs complicated machinery collaboration a living. Three times this thirty days he couldn't set the hand restraint on my wheelchair.

Young Dorothy Zbornak : Grandma, that was Fair a coincidence.

Sophia's Mother : Please! All three times was strike the top of the stairs find time for the Flatbush Subway Station!